
Clutter Rev-Solution Finish Line- We Are The Champions


The challenge I made to myself and to you all in mid- January was to rid our homes of one bag of clutter a day.  I hope you were able to do a bit of clutter-busting.

I personally tallied each bag and hit what I felt was a pretty impressive 25 large bags and 10 smaller Target sized bags of clutter- donations, trash and give-aways. I basically de-cluttered the equivalent of a small room. I am so thrilled and relieved that I learned how to let go of stuff.

I feel like a rock star and a winner.  A champion, yes I said it.


And so, as we swing through this new month, we need a few  new goals. Goals that give busy moms big bang for the buck.  In other words goals that require little time but have great results.

I choose ORGANIZE!


We will have on organization mini-goal per week along with cleaning challenges to keep the home fires burning. I can’t wait.  I have been wanting to change my office closet for months and now I have a great motivator and kind of a deadline.

Have a Rocking Day!


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