40 Day Clutter Challenge – Reader’s Choice – What is On My Audible? What is on my Bookshelf?

READER'S CHOICE - Clutter Challenge 40 Day 12 items each day

Welcome to day 32 of the 40 day clutter challenge.  The weather has been pretty crazy here in the United States with rains and flooding so please if you are in those areas stay safe!

We are having “Reader’s Choice” for our clutter challenge and that means you pick and area that is your Achille’s heal to organize, tidy and get rid of at least 12 items that you now longer use, need or love.  I am going to be returning to my office and organizing the homework area and craft area.  It is a real mess and driving me a little bonkers every time I enter the room.

I live in a household of creative and when we are all being creative and working on projects at the same time chaos erupts. And you know what, that is perfectly okay, it simple means we are human and love to be at the helm of making things work or making them work and be extremely awesome and/or beautiful.


On my Audible account this weekend I am listening to Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book, Ask Gary Vee.  He spins such a ball of energy on the Audible books that your can’t help but wonder why you are not jumping up and starting the next big fortune 500 company or working out your schedule so that you can afford to spend real quality time with your family  I love his honesty in that you have to truly work like mad in life, that life and success are not given to you but you have to pay your dues and work you franny off.  If you have never heard of Gary Vaynerchuck then I would suggest starting with his first book Crush It.



On my book shelf is Marie Kondo’s new book

Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up  it is an even more thorough book to her first The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  The new book offers illustrations and answers to frequently asked questions about her methods.  If you have tons of time and a real commitment to getting rid of clutter I highly suggest choosing a block of time after Easter and giving it a shot. At least you will understand what thousands of people around the world are talking about, and yep I said thousands she is the Martha Stewart of clutter now and so soft spoken it is amazing and crazy that she has sold so many books!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: To truly cherish the things that are important to you, you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose. And if you no longer need them, then that is neither wasteful nor shameful. Can you truthfully say that you treasure something buried so deeply in a cupboard or drawer that you have forgotten its existence? Marie Kondo

Master Class Marie Condo, SPARK JOY


My big joy sparkers ” ala Marie Kondo” ar my office supplies, sometimes joy sparking can be a real problem.  What if too many things spark joy?  Do you have items in your home that spark too much joy?? Meaning, you have quite a bit of a category of items that you can’t seem to declutter???? Because you love them???

CHALLENGE FOR TODAY – Reader’s Choice – You pick the area and remember our goal is to tidy and organize 20 minutes per day and get rid of 12 items of clutter.

TOMORROW– Is our day off. See you bright and early Monday!

Have a beautiful day.




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One Comment

  1. I liked Marie’s book but I don’t know how realistic it is to declutter with such gusto! I’m a bigger cheerleader of decluttering often. But her concept of “joy” is a great question. I’m a natural purger, so I don’t get hung up on too much joy, but I have some family members that do! 🙂

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