3 Simple Tasks And A Calorie Free Drink

As a busy mom, you have to choose your battles carefully.  With children, work, volunteer jobs, husbands, house upkeep our homes will never be totally clean and totally organized all the time. If you are still in that Penelope Perfect mindset you will never feel true peace and will most certainly not find you Momma Groove.

So to keep our sanity we will mostly focus on the Dirty Duo the Bathrooms and Kitchen through the month and the remaining rooms will be addressed in a one to one and a half month cycle.

Hold on to your socks mommas!  We are getting organized.  (Insert hysterical laughter)


Now on with the show:

Three Simple  Tasks

  1. Empty all the trash bins in the house. Instant clutter fix!
  2. Dust the Light Fixtures in the bathrooms.  I simply use a feather duster. I do not obsess about light fixtures ever.
  3. Wipe Down mirrors and give the floor a quick sweep.  You might want to damp mop the spots as well.

Please divided your three simple tasks throughout the day and when you are finished celebrate with a ice cold glass of calorie free water.

You Rock and don’t you forget that for one minute!

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  1. Bathrooms….definitely the theme for me. The house is a mess and dusting doesnt help….where does all the dust come from? Reminder – change the filters in the central air unit when this is done…..must be filthy.

    Like your points, will definitely use them…I seem to clean the downstairs bathroom once a day – a quick wipe with those Lysol or Clorox wipes helps. Now if the boys would only aim better!

    1. I was wondering if the Clorox wipes worked. I just bought a small back of the Lysol brand with the scrubbers and am having some success when I remember to wipe down the sink.


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