Clutter Challenge Dreamy Home Office

Need to get your dreamy home office in order? Home office organizing can be a big undertaking! Start with our simple 40 Day Declutter Challenge for your entire home!

READER'S CHOICE Clutter Challenge

40 Day Clutter Challenge Dreamy Home Office

Welcome to day 39 of the 40-day clutter challenge.  The weather has been pretty crazy here in the United States with rains and flooding so please if you are in those areas stay safe!

We are having “Reader’s Choice” for our clutter challenge and that means you pick an area that is your Achille’s heal to organize, tidy and get rid of at least 12 items that you no longer use, need or love.  I am going to be returning to my office and finish up (I hope)  organizing the homework area and craft area. It seems my work area gets put on the back burner more often than not.

Maybe I should share a photo of my office inspiration so you can cheer me on and I in return will be cheering you on for you clutter project!

This space is just wonderful.  A Conversation area, a high table for crafts and a huge wall of storage. I know I cannot have this size of a room, but a girl can dream! I mean this is my idea of a dreamy home office!
This setting would be perfect to keep an eye on my little homework King. 🙂
If you add a pair of Ugg house shoes and a comfy throw I would never get an ounce of work accomplished and would just drink tea and hang out in this “Mom Cave”.
This little creative area is super, super cute.  I really wish my multi-purpose printer came in white!  It drives me nuts that I can’t have a clean white desk without tons of work gear piled up.  But I have this lovely inspiration and where there is a will there is a way!
Just remember we are here to get inspired declutter 12 items and tidy for 20 simple minutes! Make your home office happy! Give it some tidy time today!

Wrapping Up!

We are wrapping up our challenges this Sunday which means today is the end of the 40 Days!   I am making a printable of this whole process very soon but in the meantime please don’t stop letting go of clutter.  It is an ongoing process because as our children grow and outgrow their clothes and hobbies our lives change as do the things we need in them.  And as we grow in our own hobbies and interests we to outgrow things and need to make room for the things that have real meaning.
Look for posts on my updated bathroom and a tidy and organized office very soon!   I have plans to add a newsletter and revamp a bit of the site, so I will be super busy designing this and that and adding new printables. It has been a wonderful 40 days and you have truly helped me along the way during this beautiful Lent and this crazy season of Spring.
Please make a point to reach out and be kind to one another each and every day.  You are all dear to my heart and I will be thinking of you!
The song is ended but the melody lingers on…
–Irving Berlin
p.s.  What is your favorite color wall paint?  Whites? Flaming Reds? Arctic blues?  I would love to know.
 Dreamy Home Office 40 Day Declutter Challenge

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