Fighting Clutter Crime and Enjoying the Olympics

Fighting Clutter Crime and Enjoying the Olympics and Update of My Clutter Event

My goal this week is to celebrate women in the Olympics and clear out tons of clutter in my home.

Yesterday I booted of a 1900 pieces of clutter crime fighting to reflect the year women were first allowed to participate in the Olympics.

So far, I have tossed, organized, put away or donated 143 items.  I have a ton more to do.

How about you moms and dad?  Care to celebrate the Olympics  and clutter-bust a few items?

I was pretty proud of letting go yesterday of an entire drawer full of old electronic wires and things that I have not used in years!


Let’s get to it folks!  If those young folks can swim, bike, ride and run with all their hearts, we can at least clean up our house while they are working so hard to represent out countries!


What is your favorite Olympic event?


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One Comment

  1. I can’t tell you which is my favorite. Mainly, I love the stories that come out like the one of Phelps chasing one record 4 years ago and getting it and chasing and reaching another one this year. I also love hearing stories like the one about the Irish (I think) gymnast (male) that was competing though he’d once been told he’d never walk again.

    As for clutter busting, I definitely have 2 areas I need to tackle… My closet and my desk.

    Thanks for sharing!

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