How To Have A Rocking Mother’s Day Weekend – Day Three

vintage window display

Many days as a mom we feel overwhelmed. The repetition of simple tasks like making beds, school lunches and paying bills can really start to wear us down.  How can we rejuvenate when there is hardly time to brush our teeth and find something to wear besides yoga pants and t-shirts.  That ladies is the burning question of my current decade.

Really the only thing we can do is guard a day or two out of the year to keep precious to us.  This may not be Mother’s Day. Your husband may choose to spend this time with his mother and you might just feel a little put out by that fact.  But don’t decide to give up.  Mother’s day is your day as well.  You are a mother, wether by blood, by heart or by spirit.  And you absolutely deserve and need this day and others to sit and reflect, rejoice and remember all the moments that have passed this year, be they good or bad while mothering your family.

Now let’s get down to business.

What do you have planned for Mother’s Day!  At the very least plan to have a cup of coffee by your favorite window. Do you journal?  Do you draw?  How simple would it be and very inexpensive just to sit and journal or draw for a few minutes or gasp an hour!

Hang out with your children. Watch a silly cartoon or two in your pajamas.    Take them for doughnuts after church and go ahead and eat one. How many time have you sat and watched your children and husband enjoy treats while you denied yourself because of the calories or fat??? One day will not hurt you unless you are denying for health reasons.

Take time for you. You are worth it and you deserve it. You are the mom.

And now the list.  Our list to get our homes tidy and shiny for Mother’s Day weekend.

  1. Do a quick 52 pick-up around the house. Choose the room of gloom. The one that is bugging you the most right this minute.
  2. Make sure you tidy up after breakfast. Wash up the dishes or load up the dishwasher. Wipe down the counters.
  3. Make up the beds and request that the older children do the same.
  4. Clear the clutter off the floors for 10 solid minutes. You can split this up into two 5 minute slots and share with a family member.
  5. Shine the bathrooms for 5 minutes each. Take out your favorite cleaners and tidy and clean for 5 solid minutes. You will be surprised how much you can shine in 5 minutes!
  6. Tidy your work station and desk for another 5 minutes.  A little jumpstart before we shut down for the weekend.
  7. Wash, Fold and put away a load or two of laundry. Have your family help you do this one and they can also pitch in on number 4 as well.

Having a rocking day you superstar moms!


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