
Ping! Guess What That Sound Is?

Ping!  Guess what that sound is?  That is my Q-tip hitting a box in the trashcan in our bathroom.  Yep, it is over flowing.  And today is the day I am zooming through the house an emptying all the trashcans.  There is nothing in this world that can make clutter multiply like a full trash can.

We have 10 trashcans in the house and one that hangs in my car for travel only.  The travel one will be used for our Tahoe trip in a few weeks, but the remainders through the house are filled to the brim.

Yes, I know in a perfect world those suckers would get emptied everyday.  But, when you are a super busy mom usually it is the kitchen can that gets emptied out everyday.  At least that is the case in my house.

Simple Daily Challenge: Take 5 and empty out all the trashcans.  If something is grungy then wipe it down with your favorite cleaner.

Question:  Do you keep a trashcan in the garage for emptying out the car as you go into the house?  I am considering having one, but then it would mean I would have eleven to empty on trash day.



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