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Random Acts of Kindness For Your Family

Welcome to day 37 of the 40 Day Clutter Challenge.  Today before we embark on clutter we I am sharing about kindness.  Children learn kindness at home.  If we start early and set great examples we will be blessed with children who can reach out and be kind to their neighbor, extended family, and their future families in their own homes.  Listed below are 20 Random Acts of Kindness for Your Family.

Random Acts of Kindness For Your Family

[bctt tweet=”“Love begins at home and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put into that action.” Mother Teresa”]

Random Acts of Kindness for Your Family

  1. Cook your husband’s favorite dinner.
  2. Cook your children’s favorite dinner (take turns either each week or month)
  3. Write a Post-it Note to your children with something positive they did or that you appreciate decorating with stickers, smiley faces or any other creative thing you can think of to make it special.
  4. Create a fun night by doing a mommy-turn down service.  Make each bed tidy ( well, tidier than how your kids made up the bed this morning) turn down the sheets like a fancy hotel, put one chocolate on each pillow and maybe place their favorite stuff animal in the middle as if they were waiting for the kids to come to bed.
  5. Have you and your spouse practice reading a storybook by truly becoming the characters, read with enthusiasm and silly voice and maybe even dress for the part. This bedtime story will never be forgotten!
  6. Have the children call their grandparents each week. Let them dial the number and have a list of interesting questions they can ask their grandparents to learn a bit more about their history.
  7. Call your spouse at work and say something complimentary or text them an ” I love you note.”
  8. Make dessert tonight, for no particular reason.
  9. Have the family create cards for Hospitalized Children.
  10. Have a special, just Mom and me date for each child.
  11. Have dad do the same.
  12. For your grade school children, put a note in their lunch box or a Knock-knock Joke for fun.
  13. For you tweens and teens, surprise them with a Starbucks or Jamba Juice gift card in their backpack for the weekend.  For no reason at all. 🙂
  14. Celebrate -Half Birthdays this year with a cupcake, balloons and a special dinner.
  15. Get a blank journal for your kids and fill it with memories, achievements, awards, etc. Share it with them each year on their birthday to celebrate their milestones and experiences.
  16. Grab your child’s name as a Gmail account now. Add this to the graduation package.
  17. Create a recipe book with favorite family recipes and handwrite in a special book for each child.  This can be gifted at graduation or as a wedding gift.
  18. Create a mailbox for each child by their bedroom door.  Add special letters and notes throughout the year.
  19. Smile at your child each day and tell them you love them.
  20. Smile at your spouse each day and tell them your love them.

Random acts of kindness at home can help create a pattern of kindness for your family that will last a lifetime.

Question: Do you have any idea for Random Acts of Kindness at home?

Challenge: Our goal for each day during the 40-day clutter challenge is 20 minutes of tidying and organizing and getting rid of 12 items by tossing, donating or giving away.

Today our focus is formal wear and outerwear. Don’ forget the kids’ closets!

Grab your free printable Random Acts Of Kindness for your Family in our amazing Library. Details below.

Have a beautiful day full of kindness!



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