31 Day Clutter Crusade – Day 13 – Cosmetics
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
Saint AugustineI really believe that even the most tomboyish mommy on the planet deserves a little pampering from time to time. Usually with our busy lifestyles moms keep a bundle of pampering products way, way under the bathroom sink that tend to go untouched for months at a time. They are purchsed with great intentions, some by our own choosing, some by our signifcant others and sometimes our little ones manage to gift us giant jug of the pink bubble bath. We love all of it but we just don’t have time to use it.
Today we are going to declutter the extras, the old and the ickies. And maybe just maybe, we can squeeze in some time for some real mommy pampering this week if we try really, really hard or gasp…. just ask for help, so we can get the TIME. Can we do this? Well, it can’t hurt to try.
Doesn’t she look relaxed? I am totally jealous!Today is day 13 of our 31 Day Clutter Crusade
and we ar decluttering our cosmetics.The rules keep it, donate it, toss it really do not apply to used makeup. If you have unopened bottles of lotion or sunscreen that you will never, ever us,e you can donate these to the local homeless or batttered women’s shelter. For the rest of it is out of date or will never get use, just trash it. This clutter challenge should go rather rapidly. But remember no more than 10 minutes! We cannot have you getting Cluttter Crusade burnout!
Here is a simple rule of thumb on cosmetics to play it safe, but,”when in doublt throw it out”. ( I love that saying, it just makes me so feel decisive.)
- Mascara – 3 months or if it smells funny.
- Liquid eyeliners, and concealers – 12 months or if it smells funny
- Liquid Make-up – 12-18 months or if it smells funny.
- All powdered based products can be kept up to two years if they were not contaminated with the above products.
- Lip sticks – two years if applied with a brush or finger.
10 minutes goes super fast~ You can totally do this challenge! Ready, Set, Go!
Here is the 31 day Clutter Crusade Guide for the Month
You can right-click this photo and save it to your desk top or print it and share it with friends. Give Mommacan.com some love by tweeting you progress or sharing on Facebook with the hashtags #cluttercrusade or #mommacan.com. I am mommacansing on Twitter.
Clutter Day One – Top of Your Desk
Clutter Day Two – A Drawer Clutter
Day Three – The Medicine Cabinet Clutter
Day Four – One Pantry Shelf Clutter
Day Five – Flatware Clutter
Day Six -Toys Clutter
Day Seven- Towels
Day Eight -Coats
Day Nine -Handbags
Day Ten -Books
Day Eleven – Shoes
Day Twelve – Underthings* The cosmetic storage is an affiliate link for Amazon and helps for the upkeep of this site. Thanks!