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31 Day Clutter Crusade Day 6

less clutter more peace more time

Today is day six of the 31 Day Clutter Crusade challenge.

We are going to a place many feel overwhelmed with on a daily basis, the toy area. This could mean one area in your home or several so we are sticking with the 10 minutes plan today and no more than two areas in your home that are cluttered with toys.

blankie monkey
Paci-Plushies Blankies – Monkey Blanket  affiliate

Toys and children can be a real sensitive subject. Children can grow very attached to certain toys because they represent a special even in their lives or they are a gift from someone who means the world to them.  If your children have toys like these keep them in a special place with a set limit.

example: ” Jamie Lynn, this is your very special toy box and it has to have this special top to keep all of your favorite toys clean and safe.  If you have too many things we will have to let another child have a few so that we can keep the safety top of the box closed”.  

No matter what you do, there will always be that one toy that was a devastating loss to your child. ( please don’t let it be the blankie or that stuffed animal that is their life-line to existence).  In most cases they will get over it within a few hours, if they do not then perhaps there is something else going on in their lives that is causing the emotional uproar. ( and yes, children can roar upon occasion)

girl's toy chest
Soft White Book Case Toy Chest  affiliate


But, quite frankly, all that toy clutter can really weigh down a child’s creativity and we cannot have that! So let’s get started and just use our 3 de-cluttering tips to get this done.

  • Set Your Timer for 10 Minutes-  you see this will be over before you know it.
  • Go to the biggest, messiest toy pile with a donation box, a trash bag and a keeper bin (or the toy box if it is near)
  • Begin this cycle with each item.
  • Keep it – if they love the toy and play with it often it is a keeper
  • Toss it – If it is broken and beyond repair and is not the “life-line” toy then toss it.
  • Donate it- If they have not played with it in more than 12 months you can donate it or box it up for the next little one who may love it in the family when they are at an age appropriate for that toy. 
  • Whew!  Ding… you see that timer has made it resounding sound and you are finished. 
  • Put you trash in the can outside and the donation in a big black garbage bag so no one can peek inside and take the donation bag to your car or a designated area in the house that you use for donations. 


Here is the 31 day Clutter Crusade Guide for the Month

You can right-click this photo and save it to your desk top or print it and share it with friends. Give Mommacan.com some love by tweeting you progress or sharing on Facebook with the hashtags #cluttercrusade or  #mommacan.com. I am mommacansing on Twitter.

31 Day Clutter Crusade

Clutter Day One – Top of Your Desk
Clutter Day Two – A Drawer
Clutter Day Three – The Medicine Cabinet
Clutter Day Four – One Pantry Shelf
Clutter Day Five – Flatware

* the affiliate links on this post are used to pay for the upkeep of this blog, thank you for reading supporting mommacan.com.  Plus, who does not love a paci-monkey!

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  1. I am so overdue for this task. I need to schedule out some time this weekend…even just “10 minutes”

  2. I tried commenting before and I got a message that I was not on the page long enough and to return and spend more time on it LOL Then I got an 403 error lMAO..

    I’ve been reading, just being silent 🙂

    Yeah! I don’t have toy clutter!

    1. I am sorry Lisa! I moved it to 20 seconds. I have been slammed with over 400 spammers a day and since I am a little bit of an “keep it tidy freak” I have to delete them… it makes me bonkers. lol

      1. Okay. No biggie. I know what you mean by spammers. Its why I have my comments to be accepted before publishing.

        BTW I only have on handbag, so no clutter there. I need a new one then will throw the old out lol.

        I love the monkey 🙂

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