
A Little Boy’s Closet Organizer Must Have

A Boy’s Closet Organizer is a must! Grab our five reasons why your little boy’s closet needs to be organized and why! This is a 15 to 30-minute organizing project!

Boys Closet Organizer

Guess what my Little Guy is doing every single morning?
Well you know folks have always told me he looks pretty darn smart. He is doing something I thought my oldest son would never accomplish in a million years. He is getting dressed in the morning without fussing.  And he has been for several weeks.   I am one proud momma-bear.  How did I accomplish this you ask?

Five Steps To Boys Closet Organizing

1. Chore charta freebie from this website.  You design it and you print it.  But if you want success you need to do this chore thing in baby steps.  The little guy started off with just four chores.  Making his Bed, Tidying his Room, Packing his Back Pack and Getting Dressing in the Morning  ( The Getting Dressed Chore is a habit now and has been replaced with Taking out the Trash.)

2. Clean Clothes for the Week including tops, bottoms,  socks, and undies.  Tip: Check the weather for the week and plan in advance.

3.  A hanging shelf unit for the closet.  We started off with a cheap one from Target.
However, it did not have enough shelves for all five days of school and the weekends.  So many times we failed to keep it up to date.  Therefore, I finally did a mini-splurge and purchased the one pictured.  We currently use and love this one. It has a weekend slot! KIDS DAILY ACTIVITY ORGANIZER – 6 SHELF HANGING CLOSET

4. Put clothes in each slot for the week. –It is very important to have your child present during this step.  This will save tear-time later on in the week if there was a special shirt that he or she wanted to wear.  And don’t forget Spirit Day at school!

5. Don’t get lazy. If you want your child to form a new great habit like Getting Dressed Without Fussing you have to stick to your plan. Little Guy is not allowed downstairs without being completely dressed. ( No excuses unless he needs to see a doctor!)


Little Boy’s Closet Organizer Is A Must!

Here are Five Reason Why You Need One

  1. Creating the habit of preparing clothes for the week is a great tool for the elementary school years.
  2. Knowing the clothes are ready for the week takes the stress away from the morning rush.
  3. Closet organizer sare a great way to encourage simplified living. ( your mini-minimalist!)
  4. Creating a room where your child can be responsible for their own clothes will be cherished by future college roommates, spouses, and their own sanity as an adult.
  5. A hanging closet organizer is great. However, having your child choose his own organizing elements will give him ownership of the closet and hopefully make keeping it tidy a priority.



I hope you have found these steps helpful!

What do you think about this mini-organizing post? Have questions? Comment below! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Pinterest and connect with us on Instagram and tag your @mommacan  Colorful Simple Decor with #mommacan, while you’re at it…I  love to see your pics! 

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  1. Does anyone but me get tired of blogging and referring to our children by names that have nothing to do with their personality?

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the daily organizer! Might be the latest showcase on Mommyventions! What a fantastic idea! We are constantly struggling for time in the morning, this would be so helpful. Following back from the hop! LOVE your blog!

  3. I will most dfinitely be printing out that chore chart. Thanks for checking out my blog, I am now your newest fan.

    I have 2 giveaways going on. If you have time stop by and enter or pass it along. I have a night night book which was an instant favorite in our house for bedtime and I also have a very chic camera strap cover to giveaway by Ella Monde.

    Have a very wonderful day!


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