
Three Minutes A Day to Organized – The Broom Closet – Take Two

I wanted to share a quick update on the Three Minutes A Day to Organized – The Broom Closet.

I have made quite a bit of progress each day for the 5 days and am excited to realize by my next three minute session I will see the floor!  Hooray!

I know you must think wow, why don’t you just finish up?

Well, I would love to but I have to work, prep for Children’s choir registration and the school book fair in a very small two hour time slot. This is the get real part of this blog.  I could make it look as if a magic fairy comes in and makes time and money appear and then poof the closet suddenly is a visual organized master piece.  But there are plenty of fairy-god mother blogs out there that do that already.

I want to give moms organizing options with super-limited budgets.  My budget for this makeover is fifteen dollars!  And to be honest, I could probably do it for zero if I had a box of nails and a bit of paint that matched the closet.



Pictured is Day One- Momma’s little walk of shame.



Here is Day Five!


This mess began shortly after a foot injury about 3 years ago and just manifested into a big mess as time went on a life got even busier.   It is amazing how I have been able to slowly wipe out weeks and years of clutter in just three minutes a day!


Do you have a project you could tackle in just three minutes per day?  

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