When the Lettuce In the Fridge Starts Talking Back

Sometimes life gets so busy that things just get out of hand and forgotten.  In my house that is the refrigerator.

Stuff can get pretty gross in there.  It grows scary things, things with hair and long fingers, things that glow and things that smell funny.  And sometimes it gets so bad that I swear the lettuce talks to me through the refrigerator.

You know that feeling you get when you walk in a room and you think someone was just there but their not. (spooky)  Or, when you hear children laughing, but there is no one at home. (creepy)  Or, when the refrigerator seems to cackle as you walk by the door.(uh-oh) Who knew lettuce could cackle?

Repeat after me:

Spooky things have no nose,

spooky things have no toes,

spooky things might be scary,

but moldy bread is mighty hairy.

I know, I am all over the place with this.  I had hopes to clean out the spice cabinet tomorrow but the fridge is just so nasty.

So I am challenging myself to toss out  the old to make ready for the new.  I am really trying to eat healthy because I am not getting any younger.  I hope everyone is trying to eat more healthy.  But, I must confess….

Things are just getting mighty busy  and stressful around here and I needed to wind down. So I am sneaking a bit of mommy merlot.  Yep, I am hiding in my office with my little bitty glass of merlot and drinking  away as I write.  I love a  little momma fun and a goblet of good wine is my idea of fun. Wait I just lied like a kid caught red-handed in the candy dish.
I have a big fat goblet of lip-smacking mommy merlot.  There, I feel much better.

Please join me in getting rid of those nasty old veggies, out-dated condiments and moldy hairy bread.

peace and popcorn,


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  1. I cleaned out my fridge today too!!! The spilled marinated olives were the nastiest! I threw out slightly runny lettuce and some significantly dried out cheese. 🙂

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