Snakes, Coyotes, and Werewolves
Source: via Amber on Pinterest
There is nothing I avoid more, in this crazy momma life, like I avoid the creepy corners in the garage and the extremely spooky storage closet located in the garage.
You see last year I saw I giant rattle snake just outside the garage door. Now every time I step foot into that place I think, is there a snake here? Is there a coyote in the storage closet? Is there a mountain lion or Werewolf staring at me while I am thinking about this?
Run Momma Run!
Yes, I am allowing to let you peek into my biggest fears snakes and four-legged critters who do not eat out of cute bowls labeled “Fido” and “Garfield Was Here”.
So it is with fearful pleasure that I will be challenging myself and you all to go down to the garage and tidy up a bit.
Simply Crazy Daily Challenge:
Take your broom and any other weapon of mom defense you can find and whack down all the cobwebs in the garage.
Give the floor a good sweeping and then go upstairs and thank your creator that you made it out alive.
Good Luck!