Three Simple Tasks To Help Moms Get Things Done

Three Simple Tasks are Simple Daily Challenges to help you get organized so that you can get more things done.

We are just about in mid- January and our expectations for the new year are still a bit fresh. Some of us may be zipping through our new year with our achievable goals in place and some of us may have already been bitten by the I will never get there I am just to busy.

And my thought on New Year’s resolutions is always write them in pencil and make sure you choose a couple that are simple and short term achievable. On the large ones, just write down the very next tiniest step that will get you closer to your goal and do it. Then tomorrow you can take another tiny step.

3simpletasks2Task 1: Take another look at your goals or resolutions for his year, are they achievable? Short term or long term? Now write down the next tiny, tiny step to get moving on those goals/resolutions. ( This could be, buy a pair of waking shoes to reach my 5 pounds of weightloss goal)

Task 2: Clear of your work space, put all the items back on your desk where they belong and start fresh. This should not take more than 5 minutes, if it takes longer then perhaps you should consider adding clear off desk to your evening routine. Empty out your office or work area trash bin. Your home-management productivity will move more quickly if your desk is not a mess. (This is at the top of my list today)

Task 3: Let’s head off to the bedroom. And if you have not made your bed then please do so now. When you are finished take 2 minutes and clear as much clutter of the floor as possible. Floor clutter can explode if not addressed on a regular basis.

(My weakest link is unpacking from trips and leaving the suitecase on thef floor!)

Have super day and I know you will enjoy your less cluttered desk and bedroom! And if your completed your tiny step for your goals for this  you will feel awesome and more at peace!

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  1. I swear Pam, when I see my room is a bit of a mess, your twitter profile pic flashes in my head and I just get up and start cleaning. 5 minutes is all it takes 🙂 I love it!

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