Spring Clean and Dream 2013
-Anne Lamott
Today we begin our four week march into Spring. With reckless abandon and organized chaos we are going to dip our toes into the new season and make simple changes to reflect the spectacular way our wonderful planet makes this season so wonderful.
Wow, that sounds like a pretty tall order. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
For the next four weeks we are gong to pick and choose places in our our homes to Spring Clean and Dream. Sometimes the easiest steps seem magnified if we do not whittle them down to a place that we can start and finish. That is exactly how we are going to approach our spring clean this year.
Here are the rooms we will be tackling.
- Main Family Room
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Pick Your Own Room
Here are the guidelines.
Dream- Dream about how you want one place in the room to look, feel and work for you and your family. Take a photo of your before spot if you would like a visual memory. This is where you Pottery Barn sales magazines can really come in handy. I always like to dream big and then see what I can do with what I have on hand to make the dream happen. I generally give myself a 20 dollar budget for small changes but when I can do it for zero bucks I am pretty darn proud of myself.
Fling- Get rid of as much clutter and trash in that spot as you can. Remember- if you really do not use an item that is taking up precious real estate then maybe it should not be in your home. And item taking up space is kind of like paying for a parked car in New York that never gets driven. Do your really want to pay rent for that ugly end table that was a hand-me -down from your Great Aunt Zelda??? Well, if it is sitting there useless as the day is long and your are paying a house note or rent, then you are paying for it to sit there.
Clean– Clean the spot with the right tools.
Organize– Organize the area or spot in a manner that will best fit your family’s lifestyle.
Celebrate- Celebrate your accomplishment by taking a finished photo, having a cup of tea or schedule in a time for browsing in your favorite brick and mortar store or a cup of coffee with some girlfriends.
Tips- Do not choose the entire room unless you have no children living at home and no other obligations because it will be super hard to finish up in a short time.
Or, choose one room and pick 4 to 5 items to focus on through the month. This would give you a week to do 1 item and finish it, which is absolutely doable.
And so it begins…..
but don’t you think I have forgotten that today is Monday.
And here on Momma Can it is our Clutter Crime Fighting Day. Fight Clutter Crime every Monday by picking up and putting away 100 pieces of clutter! So simple, but such a home booster and a simple calorie burner. Turn on some music or a 10 minute timer and put away as much clutter as you can with a super goal of 100 items. Let’s go moms! Let’s go fight some clutter.
Simple Daily Challenge: Pick the area or spot of that you would like to see changed, organized and clean during our Spring Dream and Clean. I will post mine tomorrow!
Also tomorrow look for a new post on our Organized Student Series.