The Gnomes and the Green Mutant Island in my Fridge


If there is any large appliance that needs a little love after the holidays it is the refrigerator.

This morning I found some questionable celery.  Well, it looked as if it was trying to transform it self into a small Green Mutant Island.  Perhaps the refrigerator gnomes had been looking for a new residence so that did whatever magical gnomes do and decided to mutate my crispy “fresh celery”.

At any rate I wanted to toss you a flash back challenge for today.  It is one of my favorites and I though it fitting for today challenge of cleaning out the fridge.


When the Lettuce in the Fridge Starts Talking Back


Enjoy your day Rock Stars.

Tomorrow we will tackle the kitchen floors.  So if you jazzed to do so today, go for it.

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  1. As I was grabbing eggs out of the fridge this morning, I just said to my husband “I think there are still holiday leftovers in the back.” Not sure if I want to open them or just toss the entire containers.

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