The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – Pinky Promise #5 – Closet Organizing- Before and After
In my little closet project. I rid myself of two major components that I think many moms my age have.Clothes that are saggy and baggy as well asClothes that fit when I was in high school.I did keep the pair of jeans I was wearing when I met my husband, a girl has to have dreams you know.The biggest plus is that I have a pretty good excuse to go shopping now to fill in the gaps!
I spent $40.00 on the mirror, the tiny frame sitting on the mirror and the box holding wallet, which was a steal at Homegoods for eight dollars!
I wanted new hampers in black, but that was just silly, I mean they hold dirty clothes, not antique collectibles.
When I started this project, I had visions of lace, gold, and antique knock-offs. But, my conservative, practical self-jumped in to help, and I ended up with just a little bit of whimsy and a super neat closet. I am just really happy about the whole thing, and right now my closet is the neatest room in the house!
In just three minutes per day! Hooray!
Here is the Before Shot: Taken with my iPhone after having 4 cups of coffee. Hah
Here is the after! Three minutes per day, it is like a suburb miracle!
Here is the back of the closet. I have room for a few new pair.
This wall once held a tie rack. I removed the old tie rack and added one of my favorite scrapbook pages.
Here is my bargain buy from Home Goods. I added the chalkboard sticker for fun and yes I collect wallets. Doesn’t everybody?
And here is the mirror, which is my favorite part of the newly organized closet. It is positively screaming for more costume jewelry necklaces and perhaps another bottle of perfume.
(just in case my husband reads this post today)
Can you imagine! I did all of this in three minutes per day for three weeks! I can hardly wait to start on my next three-minute project. I have another closet that is desperate for some good old fashioned elbow grease, but first the playroom. It is simply awful.
What project have you put on the back burner due to a frazzled, busy moms life? Break it down into tiny steps, and it can be done! Pinky Promise