
Veggie Boot Camp Just for Kids – Kick Off- Camp Rules

Today is the kick-off for our Veggie Boot Camp. I started Veggie Boot Camp so that I could help my son learn to eat healthy vegetables, fruit, raw nuts and legumes without tears.   I know I call it Veggie Boot Camp, but that is because Veggie, Fruit, Nuts and Beans Camp was way too long for a title. lol


Veggie Boot Camp Just For KidsVeggie Boot Camp Just for Kids – Kick Off- Camp Rules

This year we incorporating a couple of educational videos and books so that my young son realizes we eat healthy fruits, legumes, vegetables and raw nuts for a reason!

This morning after breakfast we will be enjoying the film Fizzy’s Lunch Fresh Foods 101 and then take a trip to the local market to choose one new vegetable to try this week.

This is our third year and we have made progress but the green vegetables are still our arch enemies.  But I refuse to have tears when I am trying to teach my child to eat learn a healthy diet.

A reader gave sent a little tip about adding a bit of sugar to green vegetables to tone done the smell.  I may try adding organic brown sugar but first I am going to try to use golden raisins.


How Veggie Boot Camp for Kids Works


Veggie Boot Camp lasts two weeks. We usually start early in the summer before travel and summer laziness kicks in.

At the end of camp a special trip, gift or play-date is given for every 100 cards completed. It would take a really adventurous eater to finish two sets of 100 cards.

To acquire the cards my son has to eat a new vegetable, fruit or bean.  He can eat each new one five times to count for a card. ( I changed this from three to five to create more of a habit.)

Example:  Five small portions of green peas = Five reward cards.

I keep the cards on a magnetic bulletin board in the kitchen. The cards are simply blank index cards. And as for the holders, you could just use empty envelopes attached to a bulletin board with pins or magnets. The refrigerators and magnets would work well for this project if you so desire.

I use nifty metal mesh baskets because I am mildly obsessive with order and perfection.

I make my meal plan for two weeks and make sure to plan the Boot Camp fruits, vegetables and beans in each meal.  I serve these as clean as possible.  There is no sense in my child learning to eat a vegetable that is infused with so much bacon and butter that his taste buds have no idea what he is eating.  Plus bacon and butter are only needed in very small increments.  They are really not that healthy.

The new fruit, vegetable or bean is served in a small fruit bowl or artfully displayed with the meal plate. The portion is usually three bites the first time and then four or five on the next two tries.

When the bowl is empty, my son writes the name of the food item on a blank card and inserts the card into the appropriate metal basket.  When my child reaches 100 cards he is awarded one special trip, toy or play date. ( This year there will be no toys only adventures or play dates.)

My reward is a little boy who is happily learning to eat healthily!

If you have a picky eater in the house, give Veggie Boot Camp a try.

I will be updating my son’s progress and share books and videos that I feel will be helpful during a camp.




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  1. I usually get “can’t I just swallow and not chew it?” – three single peas down “is that enough?”

    1. The first time I cooked brocoli my kid was running around saying, you have ruined our house! You have ruined our house!

    1. Lucky girl!
      Once we finish the basics we are moving on to cooking camp, which will be a blast. I love summer. lol

    1. We are really making great progress this year. The hard part will the the legumes. I think it is so important because my husband only eats birds that don’t fly well so meat in this house is limited. And having Johnny eat bean protein meals will be a big help.


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