The Impact of Donating Clothing Items

Garage Day 9 - 12 Items out the door

Donating Clothing Items

Welcome to the 40 Day Clutter Challenge.  I am so excited for our sunny day here in California. It has been dreary and cold for a week!  I want to get out in the sunshine! However, I have made a promise to myself to rid my home of 12 items of clutter per day during the 40  Day Clutter Challenge.
So far we have had over 2,000 visits from new followers and readers participating in our quest and each day we find new folks to join us on our journey.  This is very exciting!  Because if we all donate at least 2 really nice and serviceable pieces of clothing to places like shelters, clothing stores that allow the needy to get clothing without a charge or for very little, battered spouse shelters or centers that give new mommies a few items for newborns…. that would be 4,000 items to help those in need. Not to mention gifting items to people we know may need them or friends of friends.
This brings to mind a quote from Mother Teresa.

There must be a reason why some people can afford to live well. They must have worked for it. I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things that we could use.

Mother Teresa

Living well means many things.  But living to the best of our ability in the best home environment that we can provide is a gift to our families and to ourselves.  That is why clutter simple cannot win.  It robs us of the beauty of our homes no matter what size they are.

Now on with the show!

Finish Up the Garage and Storage Rooms!

CHALLENGE FOR TODAY  – We are back in the garage and storage areas.  If you are completely finished than tidy the front or back porch areas.

Remember our goal is to tidy, organize and clean an area for 20 minutes per day and rid out homes of 12 items of clutter each day for 40 days.

Below or photos that hopefully spark energy to get things moving along.!

Love this.  But, where is all the stuff??? Yep, this is minimal but not really realistic, but I love the black door with the cool number and the coatless coat rack. 🙂 
LOOK! A girly garage.  I wonder if my husband would go for this? 
For the home gardener… or in my case the wanna-be gardener/ scared of rattlesnakes someone please hold my hand. 
Join us for our 40 Day Clutter Challenge| Donating Clothing items makes a huge positive impact for those in need.

Donating Clothing Items

I am still astounded at the number of over 4,000 possible donation items of clothes if everyone just donated two items!  Donating clothing items does make a positive impact in our communities for those in need.
QUESTION: Where is the best place to donate items in your area to help those who are in need?
I would love it if you could write it in the comments to spur a mini-movement.
Just write the name of the center and what city and state it is located or a link would be perfect.
Next challenge –  Hall Closet  or Reader’s Choice
Have a happy and productive day!

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