A Simple 4-Step Morning Self-Care Routine for Busy Moms

“A Simple 4-Step Morning Self-Care Routine for Busy Moms to start your day off, right! Self-care is like sweet tea. The more sips you take, the better it gets!

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morning coffee busy moms

As a busy mom, taking care of yourself can often fall to the bottom of your to-do list. Between managing your home, caring for your family, and balancing work and other commitments, it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day for self-care. However, prioritizing your own well-being is essential for both you and your family. That’s why we’ve put together a simple 4-step morning self-care routine for busy moms with a hint of southern sass! Here’s how you can start your day off on a positive note and prioritize your own self-care:

4- Step Simple Morning Self-Care Routine

  • Step 1: Rise and Sip Your Favorite Beverage
    There’s nothing like waking up to the aroma of your favorite beverage. Whether it’s a hot cup of coffee, a refreshing glass of sweet tea, or a soothing cup of herbal tea, taking a moment to savor the flavor can awaken your senses and help you start your day on the right foot. Plus, by choosing a beverage you truly enjoy, you’ll set a positive tone for the day ahead.

    I enjoy a nice hot coffee, normally black. I fell in love recently with the Nespresso Vertuo Machine, it truly makes a great cup of coffee. It helped kick my Starbucks drive-thru habit to the curb and save me TONS of calories and has paid for itself. I no longer need a ton of whip cream or syrups.
  • Step 2: Give Thanks and Accept Grace
    Before diving into your daily routine, take a moment to center yourself and practice gratitude. You can meditate, pray, or simply take a few deep breaths to reflect on the blessings in your life. This is also a time to accept grace for any mistakes or shortcomings. Remember that you are worthy of love and care, and set your intentions for the day ahead.

This momma loves using daily devotionals, positive books, gospel verses, and even just read a little non-fiction now and then. Whatever gets me motivated to accept grace and give thanks!

  • Step 3: Move Your Body
    Getting your blood flowing in the morning is a great way to energize yourself and start the day on a positive note. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym – just 10 minutes of movement can make a big difference. Try some gentle stretching, go for a walk, or do a quick workout. By prioritizing movement, you’ll boost your mood and set yourself up for a more productive day.

Need some ideas for daily movement? I truly love the Walk App from Leslie Sansone. She has retired but her walking lives long and still is so fun! Filled with variety and different teachers, but completely doable for most fitness levels. Just make sure you get a doctor’s approval for what level of exercise you can start with and try it! Here is a nice starter kit for those who are already moving daily walking or running.
I love the bands for building muscle! There is a super light one and a heavier one, but both are doable for beginners. I used the lighter one to help with PT on my weak arm after an accident. The lighter one is very similar to the resistance bands in physical therapy.I walk at least 10 minute or more each morning on the App, using my Amazon account to login to WALK. I walk in the bathroom or around my bedroom.Does not take a gym sized space! The living room is actually perfect for this program!

  • Step 4: Give Yourself a Motivational Pep Talk
    Before heading out the door, take a moment to look in the mirror and give yourself a self-motivation cheer. Use words that inspire and uplift you, such as “You got this, mama!” or “Today is going to be a great day!” Remember that you are capable and strong, and seize the day with confidence.

By starting your day with this simple 4-step routine, you can set a positive tone for the rest of the day and prioritize your own well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself is important for both you and your family. So take a deep breath, sip your favorite beverage, and start your day off on the right foot. You’ve got this!

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