Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Happy You Week Moms!

If ever there was a book I remember it would be Green Eggs and Ham, it was the very first book my oldest son read from cover to cover all on his own. He was so impressed with the book he read the entire thing to his Preschool class and the teacher beamed with pride and told me his classmates listened through the whole thing with not so much as a wiggle.

Children’s books go through stages of popularity with only a handful that really are timeless in my humble momma opinion. Dr. Seuss is timeless and he really, really cared about children and their education.

So to blend two very special occasions, Dr. Seuss’ birthday and the end of Happy You Week we are going to have some momma reading time and some fun reading time with our children.


Simple Daily Challenge:


Before the bell strikes the end of this weekend please take some momma time and ready something fun!  Something that you love and something that makes you smile.

Before the bell strikes the end of the weekend read with each of your children and please let them choose the book. It does not have to be Dr. Seuss book, any book they love will do. It does not have to be at their current reading level, just one that they love.

Now, have a happy weekend and be ready because bright and early Monday morning the Busiest Moms in the World Spring Clean Challenge begins and if ever there was a time I needed a spring cleaning this would be the time. I am ready to make things shine and make them as orderly as I can with little bits of time here and there.

Stay tuned this weekend for details and preparation for the Spring Clean Challenge. Pinky Promise: We are not going to try to remodel our homes or building shelving in the garage, just zip through our home and freshen things up.

Question: What is your favorite childhood book?


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  1. I remember loving the kiddie version of hound of the baskervilles. Even as a young child i loved the dark, mystery type books. 🙂

    As an adult though Green Eggs and Ham is my favorite kiddie book. Should be obvious 🙂

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