Holiday Gift Wrapping Station Checklist
Holiday Gift Wrapping Station Checklist
Hi friends, today I am sharing my Holiday Gift Wrapping Station Checklist. To keep my Holiday more organized, time-saving and efficient I have set up a temporary holiday gift wrapping station. Its perfect for the Christmas season and other holidays you might celebrate during the month of December.
I use a table, a card table works perfectly, extra storage containers I may have on hand and a trash can to hold long wrapping paper rolls.
And without further needless chatter: Here is what I have at my Holiday Wrapping Station, yours may need a bit more or a bit less.
- Table – I use this folding table
- Storage Containers for this and that, not necessary but helpful.
- One trash can, clean, please. I love this clear trash can.
- Scissors
, one for me and one child safe pair for my youngest son.
- Gift Wrapping Rolls
in regular and a longer version for larger gifts
- Gift bags for the folks in my family who would rather bag and tag then wrap, ribbon, bow, and tag
- Tissue paper for boxes and bags
- Ribbons, Colorful Raffia, Natural Raffia, Yarns
- Bows large and small
- Gift Tags- I like the sticky ones but the tie-ons are so pretty
- Pens and Markers for writing on those nifty tags
- Sticky Notes
just in case I don’t have time to use those nifty tags and markers
- Tape-
I am trying out those wrist tape dispensers and the one that sits on the table. But I have dispensers and the old throw-away standbys on hand as well.
- Shipping Boxes: Just a few. I usually let UPS or Fed Ex pack up my things. They do it so nicely and efficiently.
- Packing Tape
- Current Address List: I make sure it is Up to Date before I send. It would be awful to send my favorite hard earned and shopping for gifts to the wrong house. I did that with a Jazz CD my son was performing in with his High School choir once and never saw it again.
Keep Your Holiday Gift Wrapping Station Checklist Neat and Tidy!
Keep the table as neat as possible: Hence the suggestion of extra storage containers.
And the biggest helpful tip I can think of is to wrap gifts when you are not so tired and enjoy the experience.
Have some hot tea and turn on some good music.
Try buying all your gift wrap, ribbons, and bows in the same color family. This will speed up the process and save you time. I go with a red and white theme for Christmas because I can use the red bows for other gifts. Same with Hanukkah, the blue bows leftover are perfect for Blue Christmas themes, Father’s Day and little boy’s birthday gifts.
Happy Wrapping!
Wow, living through your organization right now…Wayyyyy impressed to say the least. 😉
Thanks marie!
Wow. Very organized…Love it!! I usually just pick a night when the kids go to bed, grab a bottle of wine and bang them all out at once.
I think when it is all said and done we all do this. lol But it is much easier to find the tape in a little container near a table after about a couple of glasses.