Momma’s Weekly Plan
This year we are going try something new here at Each Monday bright and early I will be posting my personal weekly plan, I will exclude my boring job stuff and choir director details, because they only apply to very few people’s lives and that would be silly. But in a nut shell, I am sharing my weekly plan as a mom, organizer, wife, chief home operator, accountant, decorator, part-time maid and part-time chef. Here is the catch! I would love to hear about your plans for the week either in a comment with a link to your blog, on the facebook page or even ( gasp) Google Plus if that floats your boat. I truly believe that sharing our goals will help reach our goals, even if the sharing is just a tiny fragment of what we do each day!
Now off to the races!
Organize This week I am going to organize my cosmetics in great anticipation of preparing for a small bathroom remodel. Our bathroom is quite old and has practically zero storage, however it has excellent bones and great light so it has oodles of potential.
Cook– I am cooking at least 85 percent of all meals this week. Many working moms will roll their eyes and say it will never happen, but I am so determined to eat healthier and save a few bucks by cooking more at home despite the fact that I am super busy with work, educating my son and taking care of the house, oh yeah and ourmicrowave is on the blitz so there will be no cheating with micro-meals until that tool is repaired.
Clean – This week I aim to tackle a bit of deep cleaning in my youngest son’s bathroom. It still has several items from when his brother was living at home in the cabinets including an enormous jug of protein powder and several hair care products. ( That boy loves some hair goop and doo)
Dream – I absolutely enjoy this nifty rather new magazine called MINGLE Magazine – Creative Ideas For Unique Gatherings. Summer 2013. It has spark my creative side into wanting to have a party.
This week I am dreaming of having some friends over for a craft day or evening with drinks, simple food and pretty decorations. After the holidays the house looks so dull without the twinkling lights and pretty trees and things. I want something pretty to decorate for without a giant holiday attached to the day! Somethings simple, fun, relaxing and CORN FREE so one of my best gal pals can attend without fear!’ To make this dream happen I need to choose a theme, pick a free date, send some invites and hope that the world is not to busy for a crafty girly night!
Move – Movement to me is the key to health, well that and eating a good salad or cup of veggie laced soup for one meal every day. When I was so sick in late August through late October from an icky tumor I could not move much at all. Now after healing for the most part I am trying to make up for several months of not moving by adding 5,000 more steps to my daily goal. This is not an easy task for a busy mom of a busy household and I have not reached the goal many times. But when I do I feel like a rock star. This week I intend to meet an average of 15,000 steps per day and two Curves workouts a week or more. I am determined to be happy in my own skin by Mother’s Day this year. Yep, I said it, right here, nice and loud. Mother’s Day is my smaller pants and healthier me goal!
Educate – This week I am letting go of the reins a bit and observing my son run his own homework sessions while I observe, only stepping in when he asks for help. I can be an over-bearing mother duck at times and I feel this will back-fire on his creative level if I micro-manage his every move in creative writing and thinking. This one by far is the toughest for me this week. I of course will be available for asked questions and math hiccups, but they really does not happen to often.
Okay, its your turn.
What is your weekly plan? What special to do is on your notebook planner or calendar this week?
hooray for Corn-free parties! I’ll bring the vodka. I still miss that Sugar Cookie tea from Celestial Seasonings that I drank at one of your holiday get togethers. I know how to make my own almond extract but I don’t know if it would be good in chamomile tea. I’m making gumbo with kale today and getting a workout in. (I will also be thankful for my functioning microwave) 🙂
Wishing I had planned for crock pot soup today! Then I could have eaten it all day instead trying to figure out a grain free hot lunch without a microwave or time to spare. haha Reckon I am having eggs again for the millionth time this month.
I was hoping Sydney would see this! I am a little jealous the two of you know each other IRL. “SMILE”
My plan:
1) Stay warm in this hard cold freeze we are enduring. After that be grateful when it warms up.
2) Take down our Christmas tree and decorations. Since my nausea and weakness continue to plague me, household chores are slow moving to nonexistent.
3) Eat 5 small meals per day plus Ensure to try to gain a pound or two.
Aw… you know it sure would be awesome for all of us to get together!
Yeah, it would! Maybe one of these days we can all go to New Orleans for some sort of jazz festival. Or Dave Matthews Band show…
How far is it to New Orleans? I have no idea.
New Orleans is a few hours from where I am 🙂 Sounds good Sydney 🙂