Hey Momma! What’s For Dinner? #4
This week I am cleaning up my act and that is what this week’s What’s For Dinner? is about. I am so aware now that I am not getting any place with my healthy eating because I allow for too many cheats! So I am going to kick up my plans one more notch and just like I mentioned in Part Three of our Dream, Plan, Do… I am going to start our writing two things only every single day. My breakfast and my lunch. But here is the kicker, I am going to place it someplace where I can see it every single time I walk into the kitchen as a reminder.
So the dinner plan this week is going to be smaller portions of lean, cooked low carb vegetables and green salad with olive oil and lemon every single day. This will require the veggies will have to taste good, or I will get burned out super quick. I am following the 10 Day Sugar Detox Plan. I tried an easier version, and it just does not work, with detox you are to go all in, or you will end up in the same sugar boat you start in the first place.
Meal Plan for the Week – What’s For Dinner
Just to give you the heads up. I am basing my meals off of the 10 Day Sugar Detox before I sprained my ankle I was rocking the eating style and exercise just 30 minutes per day. My daughter in law noticed a change within four days! I know we moms are so busy, but we older moms have a really tough time losing weight ESPECIALLY if we work at computers all day!
My breakfast in the mornings will be Almond/Strawberry Blends it taste like a milkshake without all the sweets. The recipe is in the book.
My lunches will be lean turkey or chicken, with lots of crisp vegetables omitting all grains and dairy.
What’s For Dinner?
And the dinners, one portion lean meat, a 1/2 cup steamed vegetables and a big green salad, just the greens. I was honestly surprised the last time I did the 10 Day Detox that I was not hungry, mainly because of added healthy fats and drinking water.
Monday – Oven Baked Chicken Breast, Green Salad, Sauteed Green beans with tomatoes and garlic with a bit of lemon.
Tuesday – Roasted Garlic Salmon with Lemon Sauce over Arugula, with olive oil and lemon, the boys can eat a bowl of cereal later. 🙂
Wednesday – Chicken Thighs baked in the oven with enough leftovers for Thursday, Greek style okra, and tomatoes and A lettuce wedge with olive oil and shaved pickled onions.
Thursday – DIY – Mommy has leftover with salad, and the boys can have a burger and hang out at the mall! 🙂
Friday – Indian – Tandoor Chicken, Cucumber and Tomato Salad for me.
Saturday – BBQ Turkey Burger in a Lettuce Wrap with Grilled Broccoli Spears.
Sunday – Whole Roasted Chicken, Baked Potato for the boys and a big salad with lots of red peppers and greens for me.
And that is that! Wish me luck!
Are you trying to get healthier this year? Drop me a line! I would love to hear about it and find out if you have any tips.
Have a super day!
linking up with orgjunkie.com