Take A Peek In Momma’s Drawers

I am tooting my own horn today. I have kept my office desk drawer totally organized for more than 4 months. Its like a little mommy miracle. Each item has its spot and it never changes. When I am feeling overwhelmed I open that drawer and realize there is at least one thing I have that is on the spot organized all the time. It gives me joy to have this one happy focal point in my life.

You can see a detailed list in the post about a Mom’s Desk Drawer Essentials.

This drawer has me motivated.  With all the balls I am juggling I have been thinking I need another spot to keep totally organized to give me peace of mind.  But where?  Who knows, but it is going to happen.

Because I feel that for every ball I am juggling in this crazy momma life I need one peace little spot to focus on throughout my life and home.

Simple Daily Challenge: 

Take 5 minutes and organize one simple drawer. Get rid of stuff you no longer need and line up the rest nice and simple. Challenge yourself to keep your happy focus spot organized for a week.  I would bet once you get a week under your belt you will get the hang of it and it will be an organized keeper.

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  1. That is one organized drawer! I think the key is just having those little trays that keep everything apart. And of course, the discipline to return items to where they are supposed to be. Now I’m going to get up from the PC and see what I can fix up in 5 mins.

  2. I’m back! Just as I got back to my PC my 5 minutes were up. I cleaned up a few things in my room so now it looks like all neat again. I love you 5 minute challenges 🙂 It breaks up cleaning and makes it more manageable.

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