
Take 5 and Tidy Your Desk, Your Desk Will Love You

Photo credit: xandert from morguefile.com

Consider your desk the Captain’s Desk. The desk where all plans, battles, voyages and general management is accomplished. I can still picture in my mind Star Trek and Captain Kirk saving his thoughts for the day on the Captain’s Log. You never saw a fleck of dust or a piece of clutter. Star Trek was pretty darn Zen-like in appearance.
I am not saying your desk should be cleared off to the point where all you see are your hands clasped in front of you.  But, just tidy enough that you don’t start a mommy-melt down when you can’t find the stapler and your husband and children run for cover.

Simple Daily Challenge: Take 5 ( five minutes) and give you desk some tidy time. You are totally worth it and your desk will totally be thrilled to have some breathing space after you de-clutter and tidy for a bit.
1. Put all the items that have a home in their little desk home.
2. Toss any unwanted items in the trash.
3. Make a list of items you are low on and add them to your shopping list. (wait, did you lose the shopping list in the big piles?)
4. Give you lovely desk space a little dusting with a mircro-fiber cloth or what ever you normally use.

Now, wasn’t that the best 5 minutes ever!

Peace and popcorn,


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