Busiest Moms in the World Clutter Challenge – The Laundry Room
Busiest Moms in the World Clutter Challenge – The Laundry Room
The Laundry Room, or in my house, the great dumping zone for junk can look like a typhoon hit it on any day. Which is why I love spending time on Pinterest and searching for pretty laundry rooms. Mine is just as plain as a military hospital room. White walls, oak cabinets and junk is the decor of they day. As much as I would love to jazz it up with a little paint or some nice prints or cute little doodads I procrastinate because I am waiting around for some miracle to happen and all the junk to finally disappear. Now mind you, I have decluttered in this room before and have cleared off the flat surface next to the washer and dryer every year at Christmas time because I need that spot for my Roasting Oven. But the rest of the time you can find random children’s dress up clothes, napkins from holidays and birthday in plastic bags, red, white and blue plastic cups from the Fourth of July, random wash rags and random toys. Who knew such a small spot could hold so much? But, you know I do the best I can and I actually get a little nostalgic when I look at all those things.
Today for our decluttering- smack the clutter around – get it out of our homes and lives challenge we are going to tackle the counter and the drawers in our laundry area. If you do not have a laundry area then you get the fun and doing this exercise in the messiest room in your house. (your pick)
Let’s Get Started:
Grab your trash bag and toss out the trash, get rid of stuff you no longer need and put away any stray items. This should take 5 minutes, maybe more. How wonderful will it be to have a tidy space in the laundry area!
Tomorrow we tackle the drawers and cabinets, because we cannot break the 10 – minute challenge structure, because after all we are busy moms.
Happy a super day!