Monster Mommy Meltdown Bathroom Challenge
Monster Mommy Meltdown Bathroom Challenge
The family bathroom, the master bathroom, the guest bathroom, all of these are potential waste hazards. They all have the potential of becoming vast dumping grounds of stuff.
In these extremely necessary rooms, you may find a number of assorted odds and ends. The floor is the worse. It is a vast flat surface. It is a place where you and your family get undressed for bath times. It is the place the towel drops after the bath. Under this towel are two water – baby dollies, four rolling Bakugans, a rubber ducky, a pair of water goggles, one empty jug of Mr. Bubbles and your reading glasses wrapped around the latest Build – a Bear. It is a jungle of stuff. It is messy. Messy rooms do not give us peace.
Monster Mommy Meltdown and Messy Rooms!
Messy rooms cause monster mommy meltdown headaches. Now, do we want a monster mommy meltdown headache?
Shoot no!
The Simple Daily Challenge for today is to tidy up the bathroom floor. Just 5 minutes should do this challenge. If it takes longer then five then you need to enlist the family to help. Chances are that jungle was not created by mom all by herself.
I need this challenge, it’s my weakest link. I hope you find time to get busy and move forward. Shoot, after you are finished you can brew some nice green tea and go and get all Zen-like in your tidy bathroom.
peace and popcorn,
p.s. If you find something really wild and crazy on the floor please post what you found or post it on the Facebook page. I love a good momma story.
Thanks for the follow!
Great challenge. I think I should take it and for clean my bathroom floor. It’s not looking too good!
Thank you for stopping by Jen. I do love a tidy bathroom floor. Its just not all that easy with the children around and my husband. We all lean toward slob. But I have a positive outlook most of the time. I figure no matter what is on that floor Glad bags will come up with something big enough to handle the mes..