Organize Your Week, Menu Plan , Cleaning List and Zoodles!
We are tipping into the end of July. Whatever you have on your Summer-Enjoy-List needs to get on the calendar and completed because August is soaring very near like an eagle on the hunt. Now is a wonderful time to add fresh fruit salad to the menu along with an ear or two of corn on the grill. With the drought here in California, an old-fashioned sprinkler can get the lawn a bit wet and allow the children a little fun running through the refreshing sprinkles! Are you conserving water? It has started to become natural for me to turn off the faucet during my shower and while brushing my teeth. I am totally jealous of states who have plenty of water! 🙂
Menu Plan for the Week
Monday – Sheet Pan Supper – Chicken Thighs, Organic Yukon Gold New Potatoes, Green beans all tossed in a lemon/olive oil marinade, baked, and then jazzed up with some fresh ground pepper and lemon juice.
Tuesday – Taco Tuesday – We have tacos almost every week but my son just loves Taco Tuesday. We use ground turkey, fresh pico de gallo and grass-fed cheese. So yummy!
Wednesday– Roast Turkey Thighs with sweet potatoes and spinach/mushroom stir fry country-style with turkey bacon and onions.
Thursday – Baked Fish over rice for the boys and arugula salad for me.
Friday – Dinner Out
Saturday – ( Zoodle Noodles) Zuchini Pasta with Meatless Sunday Sauce.
Sunday – Whole Roast Chicken, grilled, Chopped Green Salad with fruit salad for desert.
Cleaning List
Cleaning List for the Week – This summer we are picking one room a week to really get in shape! So one day per week, you will visit the room and decide what needs to be done, schedule it in your calendar and DO IT!
Monday – Deep Clean Kitchen – Choose wisely on major appliance or area to deep clean. This I suggest cleaning and organizing the pantry. It is so much easier to put together a quick pantry meal when the pantry is well-organized and stocked with a few staples.
Tuesday – Bathroom – Give the bathrooms and good scrubbing, especially, tubs, showers, sinks and mirrors.
Wednesday – Dust and Mirrors and Windows – Dust all the furniture and doodads, shine all mirrors and windows on the inside.
Thursday – The garage or one utility closet. Clear out the trash, rid yourself of unwanted items that hold no sentimental value. Donate what can be loved and USEFUL to someone else and organize what is left. I suggest organize one portion of a large garage.
Friday – Declutter-one area for 5 to 10 minutes or catch up on anything that was missed during the week . Keep it simple, Friday is for family and fun!
Saturday – Linens and extra laundry. Don’t you love the idea of fresh smelling sheets and towels!
Sunday – Free Day – Family Day – An opportunity for movement!
Make your very own Zoodle Noodles at home… I like to stir-fry mine just a bit with olive oil infused with garlic for an extra tasty punch!
Have a rocking day!
linking up with orgjunkie
I think I’ll just go to your house for dinner. I never have a week meal plan. I admire you and others who do. Cleaning is just not on my radar at this moment. I’m exhausted from the stress going back and forth for my folks and the heat..eww. We already conserve water as much as we can.
I just wanted to let you know I’m reading, just not responding as much.