31 Day Clutter Crusade – Day 20 – Your Old School Inbox
On day 18 we cleared out our email inboxes for 5 minutes and I hope you made some excellent progress. It is a good practice to get your email inbox to near zero every single day. This keeps important emails from getting lost in the shuffle.
Today we are moving to our physical inboxes the mail dump and the paper tray. I am a GTD girl so my mail dump and my letter tray are the same inbox, therefore, mine can get pretty full in a day’s work. I truly believe that Every Momma Needs A Big Fat Physical Inbox.
How to Declutter Your Paper Tray and Mail
Here is a simple method to clear out that massive letter tray and the stuff that is piling up from your mail box.
- Trash It- If the paper or item is of no use to you or anyone else, for example junk mail, trash it.
- Pass It- If the item is for someone else than have a folder or other method to house what needs to be passed on to the right recipient. For example I set mail that needs to got out with my husband near the door so he can see it as he exits. If it needs to go to work or to a friend, then I place it in my outbox with the item in a folder and make a note to take it with me when I see this person.
- Store It- Store keeper items in clearly labeled file folders in a system that works for you. Stored items are things we needs to reference at a later date or something we might want to do in the future. But keep in mind eventually the Store It files get full and can become cluttered.
- Do It – Items that require an action are kept and placed where we can access them readily because they require our attention. We can priortize these by date or just complete them if they are needed right away. Do It items are things like bills to pay, cards to mail, invitations to reply to and school papers to fill out and return.
So, now we have a plan, so let’ begin. Process and declutter your letter tray and mail stash. Your smaller piles will be so worth it as these kinds of paper items can really start to build up!
You are rocking these challenges!
Here is the 31 day Clutter Crusade Guide for the Month
You can right-click this photo and save it to your desk top or print it and share it with friends. Give Mommacan.com some love by tweeting you progress or sharing on Facebook with the hashtags #cluttercrusade or #mommacan.com. I am mommacansing on Twitter.
Clutter Day One – Top of Your Desk
Clutter Day Two – A Drawer Clutter
Day Three – The Medicine Cabinet Clutter
Day Four – One Pantry Shelf Clutter
Day Five – Flatware Clutter
Day Six -Toys Clutter
Day Seven- Towels
Day Eight -Coats
Day Nine -Handbags
Day Ten -Books
Day Eleven – Shoes
Day Twelve – Underthings
Day Thirteen – Cosmetics
Day Fourteen – Dishware
Day Fifteen – Bed Linens
Day Sixteen -Under the Kitchen Sink
Day Seventeen- Around the Bathtub
Day Eighteen- Computer
Day Nineteen – Craft Stash