
Family Management -Question Time

Fountain Pen and Notebook

Recently, I asked our Facebook Friends

Do you feel you are the only one in the house managing the family schedule and making sure things get done?

Several have said yes!

 Post by mommacan.com.
 Now I am asking you.

Do you feel you are the only one in the house managing the family schedule and making sure things get done?

My answer: Although my wonderful husband does help, the little things will get looked over if I am not  around to make sure it happens. Notes to the teacher, making sure homework is turned in on time, clothes for School Picture day, new study guide for Religious Education, school clothes that fit,  health lunches and the list goes on and on.  If you are the only care giver in the house then my HAT is off to you. I was a single parent 10 years ago but the bar has been raised much higher with expectation to moms and dads in the last few years. 

 Parents/Caregivers are overwhelmed with instant everything  and it is simply  crazy difficult to try  to keep up with all of the tasks to run a family.

How do you cope with everything?  Would love to hear you TOP TIP on dealing with the crazy family schedule.

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  1. When ex and I were raising my daughter oh yea, I did it all. Nothing would have been done otherwise although my daughter was a studious student. She got her homework done but she would forget some things but I had it all under control. I always told ex he would be so lost if something had happened to me. But when I took her and left him it went smoothly as the schedule was concerned nothing changed. I was so tired but all worthwhile

    But being an empty nester and got a more responsible Hubby, it’s a joint venture although we do things differently and drive each other crazy sometimes 🙂

  2. I do most of the family scheduling–about 96% hubby does 2% and kids each do 1%—how do I keep every one informed–THREE CALENDARS and they still will ask every morning whats going on for the day!!

  3. I schedule most of the stuff at home as hb flies a lot. It isn’t that difficult as I do create quite a bit of white space in between the 3 kids schedule to accomodate any overlaps etc. I make sure there isn’t any clash of times and the kids are given classes with all the same timing so it saves me effort shuttling them around individually.

  4. Oh yes, absolutely. I even call my husband to remind him if he has to leave work early or has an appointment. I have a calendar where I keep everything, but somehow no one else looks at it. Even though you have to pass right by it to get the food, which they all eat. I guess that’s just my job. 🙂

  5. Yeah, everyone misses the details except mom. I have a really disorganized mind but one thing I’ve been good at is organizing our schedules. I just hit myself over the head with a frying pan a few times and BOOM! everything settles into place 😉 As for coping? I’ll start to cry every so often because I’m overwhelmed and then I feel tons better 😉

  6. I think my hubs and I have a great system. I have no complaints. I think it’s pretty important to have these discussions with your partner. 🙂

  7. I definitely feel that way sometimes, but when I’m sick or somehow unable to get things done, my hubby always come through (and I’m surprised every time, lol!)

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