Twas The Night Before ……..
Welcome to the Organize Your Life In 30 days challenges even the impossible is possible one tiny project at a time.
Reinvent your nights, with a fresh night-time routine.
I often see moms at school drop-off looking a little bit worse for wear in the mornings. Pajama tops, unharnessed body parts that really should be wearing their gal-pals sling and unusual footwear that often is paired with really loud socks or flips-flops, God Bless Californians and their obsession with flip-flops.
There are days when I think that mom is me and then there are days when I am on top of that game and looking and feeling pretty snazzy wearing real pants and all the fixings plus a one of those miracles of modern nature from Victoria herself!
What is the difference between a good morning and a bad morning?
The NIGHT BEFORE of course!
Today’s tiny project is to revamp your night-tie routine to make your mornings awesome!
Here is the catch. Each persons routine will be different. You may have 7 small children at home, or 3 cats and 4 dogs to tend with or perhaps a live in parent who needs your assistance or a spouse who is down with a nasty cold. I am going to give you my a hint…. planning for meals for morning, lunch and evening the night before can really create miracles! Having clear kitchen counters, tables and the dishes put away each night can create over the top amazing miracles! Having a maid to do all of this with a personal chef for the cooking…… well….. a girl can dream, right?
Here is a typical Night Time Routine of a an organized mom. ( this falls apart for all moms, when they are sick or have broken limbs that slow them down)
- Clean dinner dishes and put away.
- Make lunches and tidy up.
- Set out breakfast tools, toaster, cutting board….etc.
- Check to see if backpacks are hung and ready for take-off in the morning. ( You need a place to put backpacks every single night before bed)
- Clothes for the next day for all children.
- Write down a simple TO DO list for the next day… include your top three must at the very beginning and make sure one items is absolutely doable in a short amount of time to get your into motivation mode.
- Pick out your outfit for tomorrow, even if it is just school drop-off or homeschooling for 3 hours tomorrow. Dress for success! Yoga pants can be dressed up, check out Wearing a worn out ACDC shirt from your first date 20 years ago does not count!
- Keep a running purchase list for groceries and toiletries on your Smart Phone or a Notepad in ONE designated place so children and spouses can add to it if needed.
- Take time to take care of YOU every single night, this includes personal hygiene and a little bit of MOM pampering, nails, mini-facial etc….
- Begin routines early enough so that you get plenty of sleep. Without adequate sleep, your mornings will feel icky and everyone in the house will be cranky.
- That old saying,
“If Momma ain’t happy, than ain’t nobody happy”…. has tons and tons of truth mixed in with a big fat YES.
Now, GO OUT and create your perfect evening routine!
You are rock stars!