Karaoke in the Kitchen – Shine, Holiday, Shine
Holiday Shine Challenge Day 10 – Shine Kitchen Shine Karaoke in the Kitchen
The kitchen area is a high impact zone. And these either works in our favor or works totally against us, especially during the holidays. If your kitchen is tidy, uncluttered and the appliance shine it looks clean. If your kitchen has tons of clutter and spotty appliances, it looks dirty.
Today we are going to spend time decluttering a bit of the kitchen and shining all the stuff. This will take more minutes than I usually like to take a challenge so you may want to divide a bit up throughout today.
Stuff You Need:
- Tons of rags, towels or if you are a paper user, paper towels.
- Wood Cleaner or its homemade equivalent. (or just use Pledge, I admit I still love the smell of pledge.)
- Counter Cleaner: Whatever you use to clean your counters.
- Baking Soda or something to clean and sanitize the sink.
- Whatever you use to clean stainless steel appliances.
- Microfiber cloths if you are allergic to everything.
- Large Storage Container or an empty area in a garage or closet.
I have a friend who swears she uses microfiber and plain old water and it works just as well as Windex in most cases. She cannot tolerate most chemicals, so this sounds cool.
8.Rubber or Latex gloves to protect your hands
Happy check? Are you happy?
Please turn on some of the most joyful tunes you own or just sing. By golly sing Jingle Bells and change the words up to suit your mood. Make it a Karaoke Momma Kind of Day! Grab a wooden spoon, sing like your on Broadway and be happy.
Jingle Bells, Pretty Nails
I just want to dance
I would fly to Sweden now
If I had a chance.
Share your version in the comments section if you like.
Let’s Get Started:
- Counter Clutter- I am going to keep this simple. If you are not using any item on the counter during the holidays, put these items in the storage container, garage or an out of the way closet. You need that space to prep food for the holidays. This is particularly challenging for me, because I collect mixing bowls and colanders. I know weird, huh.
- Empty and Load the Dishwasher, or wash up the dishes and put them away. (ugh, I know)
- Remove all counter items. Usually, I would say move them over to clean, but this gives us the opportunity to rearrange them when we replace them later.
- Give all the counters a good cleaning.
- Replace removed items. Try changing things up a bit. You can always put it pack later. Change is good.
- Clean the Cabinets: Starting at the top and working to the bottom, moving from left to right around the room shine those cabinets with a cleaner that matches the material of your cabinets. Ex. Wood, veneer, metal
7. Shine the appliances Don’t forget the handles, and it sometimes helps to buff Stainless Steel dry to keep the shine.
8.Shine, that Kitchen Sink, scrub it with some baking soda or the cleaner of your choice and then rinse it well. Then shine it up with some vinegar or your favorite sink cleaner.
9.Put your tools away.
Now, don’t you wish your kitchen was this shiny every day? Well. We can dream, but we also have to be a realist. Our hearts and minds know now that we shined the kitchen for company. We can do touch ups during the week. But one deep shine a month is enough.
Have a super day! Mommas Rock!
I think nothing is prettier than a clean counter top. Space, space and more space. lol
Merry Christmas Leanna